Fighting Stress Webquest

Fighting Stress-Relaxation Video

Fighting Stress-Movement Video

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A webquest is a way to help you learn more information about a particular topic. It is a way to help guide your research. After looking at a couple of examples and reading a few websites with information you will all become webquest pro's! You will even have an opportunity to complete a webquest made by me!

I would like you to view the following websites to help you understand what a webquest is as well as see a couple examples.

What is a webquest?

Example-Medievel Times Webquest

Example-Chocolate Chip Cookie Webquest

After reading the websites and looking at the examples above you are going to have the oppurtunity to go through a webquest called Fighting Stress. This webquest was created by a friend of mine and with you in mind. The webquest is located at the top of this blog, follow the directions and have fun!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 3

I can't believe the third week of field is already over. This week was again another eventful week. This week each day I taught social studies lessons as well as finished up the art lesson from the previous week. In Social Studies the first lesson we did a little role play activity which the students seemed to really enjoy they actually asked if they could do it again. At first going into the lesson I didn't feel as prepared as I wanted and somethings could have gone better but for the most part I think the lesson was well received by the children. The next day we did a colonial settlement model which turned out great but took a lot more time then I had anticipated. This gave the students a way to see how the colonists decided where to build towns by doing a hands on activity. All in all it was great. During this week I helped a lot in their small reading groups, we would read together as a group and I was asked to give them a little assignment to do on their own after we had read a chapter or so together. This was great because it gave me the opportunity to work with all the students on different reading levels. I have learned a ton from my cooperating teacher she was awesome, she gave me feedback on everything and it was so helpful. The kids I taught were great, I was extremely nervous to teach 5th grade but after this I really think I could and love it! I am sad to go but I am actually coming back on Tuesday to help with their colonial fair.

Week 2

This week was very eventful. On Monday I had my first observation by my supervisor. She was not able to come during Social Studies so I planned and taught a reading lesson. I had the students practice their new reading comprehension strategy of asking questions. We read the first two pages of the story Abulea's Feast together as a class. I then modeled the strategy for the students and they were required to partner read the rest of the story as well and finish their worksheet. This lesson went very well and my supervisor gave me great feedback. This week we also started our art project, we made cornucopias out of construction paper and the students then tore the shapes for their fruits and vegetables out of construction paper. This was a fun project but I was surprised at how much complaining I had from the students. I taught this lesson each day to four different 5th grade classes. One each day of the week. It was really fun, but was a ton work work to get ready for. All in the the kids seem to be enjoying themselves. We will not be able to finish the project this week we will work on it again for next week. On Friday we finished up their unit in Social Studies so my teacher had be prepare a review game. I decided to play jeopardy which turned out to be really fun and the kids did better on their review quiz. It was something the students had never played before and so it was exciting for them. All in all an eventful week with lots of stuff going on everyday! The kids are great though and I am really enjoying field!

Week 1

For the first couple of days in field I had the chance to observe my cooperating teacher and get a feel for how things were run in her classroom. I got a chance to learn the personalities of the students while watching them interact in their classroom environment. My cooperating teacher had me run around make copies of worksheets that she needed as well as help her grade assignments. The end of the trimester was during this week and so she needed a lot of help making sure everything was caught up. On Monday and Tuesday she discussed the election with the kids and surprisingly I learned a ton. On Thursday she had me help her with her small reading groups, I worked with two of the student who struggled in reading. It was my job to help them practice their reading comprehension strategies as well as provide them with corrective feedback on their oral reading skills. All in all this week wasn't to eventful but provided me with a lot of opportunity to get to know the students and my cooperating teacher better.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling is a way to tell or show a story through pictures, narration, and music. It can be a great way to tell someone a story. We are going to be learning about digital storytelling this week and by the end you will all be pro's! You will even have an oppurtunity to make your own story to share with the whole class.

I would like you to view the following websites to help you understand the ways we can use digital storytelling as well as understand some different aspects of it.

Digital Story Telling

Using Technology To Tell Stories

Digital Stories

Another important thing to learn about is something called Creative Commons. Creative Commons provides us with free tools that let us as creators mark our creative work. It guarantees that we get credit work for the work we did. It is important to understand because when we create something we automatically own the rights to it. Creative commons allows us to share our ideas with others as well as allow them to use our work. We can determine how and what others can do with our creation. Click here to find out more.

Watch the example video here and the digital story that I created that is in the post below titled The First Thanksgiving. After you watch those you can get started. You may pick any topic that we have been learning about in social studiest, science, or art. Have fun and be creative!

The Very First Thanksgiving

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How A Bill Becomes A Bill

After watching this video write a paragraph explaining the process of how a bill becomes a bill.